The Miracle of Restoration

greatbaner960wSERIES: The Great Adventure: Miracles (Luke)

TITLE:  The Miracle of Restoration

Scripture: Luke 22: 54-62

“Where Slavery is, there Liberty cannot be: and where Liberty is, there Slavery cannot be.”
Charles Sumner- November 5, 1864


“I deserved the reproach and disapproval-premarital sex resulting in an unexpected pregnancy is no father’s dream for his child-yet his gracious response assured me that he not only wasn’t crushed, his love for me was stronger than ever.”

Three applications to make:

1. It has nothing to do with the beloved; it has everything to do with (the one doing the loving).
2. It is from (outside) us.
3. It is (unexpected).


“They all left him and fled.” Mark 14:50

Peter was given the name Simon. According to Matthew 16 he was also called (Cephas) which means (stone or rock).

Jesus changed his name in order for it to be a perpetual reminder of (who he should be).

Peter pronounced Jesus as the Son of God in Matthew 16. There are five other facts we should know:

1. Peter was the one who walked on water until…
2. Peter was the one who tried to talk Jesus out of dying.
3. Peter was the one who fell asleep in the Garden.
4. Peter was the one who boldly proclaimed though all would fall away he would not.
5. Peter was the one who ran to the tomb and then boldly walked into it.

Jesus loves (messes) and that includes all of us.

NEXT WEEK: TGA: Miracles
Title: The Miracle of Sight
Scripture: Luke 18:1-14, 35-43


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