

THEME: It Is Written

TITLE:  Driven

Scripture: Matthew 28: 19-20


Many churches are driven by what they are against rather than what they are for. They are reactive instead of proactive.


I.   A DRIVEN MESSAGE            

“Without vision, there is rarely direction. Without direction, there are no goals. And without goals, there is not progress.”

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Prov.11:14 (ESV)  “Where there is not counsel the people fall.” (NKJV) “Where there is no vision the people perish.” (KJV)

Our Message is a simple one: (TO CONNECT PEOPLE TO JESUS)

1.      We are to (Go).

2.      We are told to (make disciples).

3.      We are told to (baptize) people.

4.      We are told to (teach them to observe all) commanded.

II.   A DRIVEN PERSPECTIVE               

1.      We desire to be (passionate pursuers of Jesus).  Our #1 goal is not to build the church. It is not to have a huge nursery or the best youth program. Our first and primary pursuit should be (running fully after Jesus).

2.      We desire to be (models of truth and love).

3.      We desire to be (involved in our community).


SERIES: Captured!

NEXT WEEK:  Captured by God’s Holiness- Isaiah 6: 1-7


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