Leadership Announcement – Steve Goddard – 3/22/2015

After much discussion, the building team and leadership have concluded that any new addition must address the growing need for expansion for our kids.  Any future building program must include added space for our children’s programs. Therefore, our number one goal right now is to pay off the mortgage on our current building.


We will have another special offering at our anniversary celebration in October. Church members may plan ahead and make a contribution in October or they may choose to give at any time before October. Just make sure to include the amount in an envelope labeled “special offering”.


Our goal is to reach $50,000 in our building fund by our anniversary in October. We currently stand at $20,000 in this fund. At that time, a large portion of that amount will be used toward our current mortgage. The remaining amount will be placed in a new account set up solely for our building fund.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ovcf.org/ovcf_wp/2015/03/leadership-announcement-steve-goddard-3222015/