Category: OVCF News

Midweek Message 4/17/2024


Hello! Did you see that? #200. Who’da thunk it? Some of you might be wondering (especially if you are newer to the mailing list) what in the world is the Midweek Message anyway? I looked back to #1 and here is what I wrote:

Good middle of the week my friends! Who’da thunk it just a couple of weeks ago that meeting together would be our last time for who-knows-how-long? I’d like this to be a regular feature during this time each week to communicate with you via email about different things. This is just me to you from my heart. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

This is an unprecedented time. Some of us lived through 9/11 and remember it well. Some have lived through the swine flu, Asian flu, the Hong Kong flu (I had it in high school. Made for a great Christmas vacation), and for some old-timers, the Great Depression. And no, I wasn’t living during that time 😊 , but my grandparents were.

I said more but it doesn’t need to be repeated here. Long story short…we all remember COVID and the havoc it played on all of us. As you can probably gather by reading this, I started the MM to keep in touch with you. It was just a small way to come into your inbox, life, home, or work and say, “Hi! I’m thinking of you.” I did other things as well, like writing notes to everyone and even doing the drive by prayers (I would pull into a driveway or a street and pray for the people in the family/house and as I pulled away text them and say, “You have just been the victim of a drive by…prayer.” We also started our live stream and it has turned out to be a very good thing. I hear quite often from people who are grateful for it and listen in all sorts of places. Some listen at home. One told me this week he will sometimes listen on a slow night at work while in his car. I am so-o-o-o-o glad we started that and someone had the generosity to donate money for the camera and equipment.

Now you know the background of the MM. I never thought it would keep going, especially to #200. I have missed a few weeks due to vacation or holidays or because I wanted to give my editor a break (she deserves it), but for over 3 years I have been dropping by to say hi. I have no clue how long I will continue the MM, but I do hope you will enjoy reading it.

If you just can’t get enough of hearing from me once a week, did you know I also do a daily devotion from Monday through Thursday? It is called Living in the Shadow and you can find the link on the church’s website or by going to You have a chance to read and can also respond if you would like. Except for several years ago when someone really liked to make snarky comments, I approve the comment and also reply. And yes, in case you are wondering, that is called “tooting my own horn.” I would love it if you took the time to read. Most devotions can be read within 5 minutes. I also put them on LinkedIn (the only social media I am on). It gives some inspiration to a ton of readers.

Okay…now that I am done patting myself on the back 😊, let’s move on.
Sunday was a really good day. I saw a lot of new faces, but the highlight was witnessing the baptism of Tanner Wood and his pappy, Steve Potts. Always love seeing the waters of the YMCA stirred.

I really enjoyed Cassie Linville’s and Hannah Pendleton’s presentation on their mission trip to Kenya. It was nice hearing what they did and how it impacted their lives. May it have a lasting effect on both of them.

Remember to pray for Jenn Zigler this week. Jenn has been a counselor at OVMS for 6 years. She is married to Chris and they have two sons, Barrett and Winston, who attend MCES.

One of the things that draws people back to a church is how welcome they feel. It is not enough for me or Pastor Ryan to welcome them; it is also important that you do so as well. Before COVID we had a team who acted as greeters. We would like to get that team started again. Responsibilities are: helping pass out bulletins; looking for new faces to say hi to; being instrumental in helping new folks with children know where to take their children for check-in (thank you, Anna East, for twice being my go-to this past Sunday); and just helping make people feel welcome. If we want to be a church that says, “We Are Glad You Are Here” a team of people who make that the focus is essential. We also have some gifts to give visitors and it would be helpful to have some folks who take on that ministry. Pastor Ryan, Diana, and I have been working on a Welcome Team. If you would like to be involved in that team, we would love to have you step forward and say, “I will help!”

Someone asked me Sunday what ladies I plan to highlight during the month of May. First, this Sunday is Caught in His Wake and it is about Eve. The final week of this month is The Deceiver. Two guesses who that one is about! Now for the ladies:

    • May 5- Out of the Pit- (Rahab and the John 8 woman)
    • May 12- Hard Acts to Follow (Ruth and Mary & Martha)
    • May 19- All In (Hannah and Mary Magdalene)
    • May 26- Hope and Hospitality (Sarah & Lydia)

Some I know you are probably familiar with, but even with those, I hope to bring a new twist to their story.

One last thing: thanks to all of you for your hugs and words of support this past Sunday. As I said during the meditation, I believe God does answer prayer: sometimes yes; sometimes no; sometimes wait awhile. But even though I got caught in the web of wait awhile, I still believe God is good. Please don’t forget that. I don’t throw that around just willy-nilly. I say it because I believe it. If you get a chance, please read Psalm 116:5-19 on your own and at your own pace. Why not journal your thoughts as you read and ask yourself, “What is God saying and how does it relate to my situation?”

Have a good week and remember you are loved.

Pastor Bill

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Honoring our Graduates!

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Africa Mission Trip Update!

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Midweek Message 4/10/2024


Hello and welcome to Midweek Message #199! As I sit here and type this edition of the Midweek Message I must admit to a somewhat morbid curiosity as to how tomorrow will turn out. I call it “the day Spencer stood still” because of the expected hype and influx of people for the eclipse. Since this will not go out until Wednesday, we will all have a better idea of how it went and what we thought. In any case, I do hope you have had a great week and will have a good rest of the week.

Remember to pray this week for Beth Sewell and Bonnie Richmond, both guidance counselors at OVHS. Beth is married to Matt and they live in Ellettsville. They have 3 grown daughters and 3 grandchildren. She is also a graduate of OVHS. Bonnie lives in Ellettsville and has 2 grown sons.

A huge congratulations is in order for Logan Cain. Kathryn Anderson, Logan’s fiancée, sent me some information Jo read to me that was on Facebook. Back in February Logan won “Marine of the Year” for his unit. In winning that title he was presented with the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal which was presented to him two weeks ago. Kathryn sent me a couple of pictures which I am unable to show you. Do you get the feeling that she is rather proud of him?😊 Logan is due home the first of next month. I sit here and wonder if Kathryn and his family will be happy to see him? What do you think?

While I’m on the subject of our military people, Robert Herrington will be coming home next month for something. It is called a wedding. 😊Robert will be marrying Hannah Sheese at Abram Event Venue on May 25th. I saw Hannah at the Y this past Saturday morning and I think she is kind of excited about it. Maybe just a little.

I was recently informed there are less than 30 days left of school. It is hard to believe. It seems like school just started. Of course, I’m not in the classroom every day so I just may be a bit uninformed. Did you know that Pastor Ryan and I read to Kindergarten classes once a month? He reads to classes at McCormick’s Creek Elementary and I read to Gosport Elementary and Spencer Elementary each month. I thoroughly enjoy being with the students and seeing their “energy” at work. All in all though, they are pretty well-behaved and eager to learn and take part. Rachel White and Gabrielle Corder are the K teachers at GES and Ashley Bault, Tracy Patterson, Sarah Jones and Tami (my daughter) are the teachers at SES. Cara King and Tricia Potts are the K teachers at MCES. Ryan also reads to two Pre-K classes at MCES taught by Sarah Bougher and Cristi Wood. We both get a real joy out of reading to the young people. Mrs. Hensley is at Patricksburg and her husband, Larry, reads to her class. I am already laying the groundwork with Kris Samick (Director of Communications) and Matt Taylor (Director of Curriculum) for next school year. 


With school soon coming to a close for 2023-2024, that also means graduation time. If you know of any high school or college graduates please let Diana or Pastor Ryan know. We already have a couple of names but really rely on you informing us to make sure no one is left out.

I have a little bit of space this week so I thought I would share something that has been on my heart. If, when you are done reading and have questions/comments, please feel free to ask/text/email me.

With the talk of the addition and the work being put into making it a reality, it will be and is easy to lose sight of “the why.” Why are we doing this? Why are we raising money to build an addition? I’ll try hard to put my thoughts down in an easy-to-understand manner.

First, we are not building the addition to “get bigger.” There is not a leader at OVCF, or a member of the Building Team who has visions of grandeur. We are not building the addition for the purpose of “If you build it they will come.” That line from Field of Dreams was good for the movie but not for a church’s future. In fact, I know churches that did that and several factors have made that a sore spot.

Second, and to build on the previous thought: a church’s prime reason for existing is not to have a monument to itself, or to say “We have the biggest church in the community.” No, the church’s reason for existing is found in Matthew 28 where Jesus told His disciples to “make disciples of all nations.” The life Jesus offers us was never meant to be kept to ourselves; it was and is to be shared with others so they too will know the abundant life He promises.

I am totally convinced that we have the message people so desperately need. People talk about Boomers, Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, the Silents (trust me when I say I can’t keep them straight), etc. What I do know is that people of every generation, of every influence, of every color, race or nation, need what we have to give: the life-giving message of the love of Jesus. So, if by building this addition it gives us more room for people to gather and hear this lifechanging message, then I’m all for it.

On Monday I started reading a new book that just came out called De-Sizing the Church by Karl Vaters. I share the following quote with you so you can catch a glimpse of my heart and know that am sincere about this whole thing. Karl quotes another pastor on Twitter after hearing a megachurch pastor tell a roomful of pastors that they shouldn’t avoid celebrity, they should seek it. “I’m telling you, platforms are for diving & brands are for horses. Flee from pastors seeking to build them. Leaders tear down with their lack of character what they build with their gifts. Choose humble, faithful, local-focused, word and sacrament serving, people loving pastors over polished showmen every day. It might not be sexy, but it won’t be toxic and it will be sustainable.” (p.19). I make no apologies for being a simple pastor who loves his people (you) and desires to make Christ known. My brother, Rob, used to sign all his correspondence with Gal. 6:14- “May I never boast except in the cross of Christ.” Amen!

Thanks for listening to my heart this week. Sunday’s sermon is He Started It! from Genesis 1:26-
31; 2:15-24. I love you all and look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Pastor Bill

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It’s that time of year!

We need volunteers to help keep the grounds
at OVCF mowed and trimmed. We provide the equipment and fuel. If
you’re interested, please sign up at the info table or call the church
office! Thank you!

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Midweek Message 4/03/2024


Hello and welcome to Midweek Message #198. They say the week after, especially the Monday after Resurrection Sunday is always the hardest. I’m not even waiting until Monday. It is Sunday afternoon and I’m dragging. I’m curious to see what tomorrow will bring. They also say the Sunday following is tough because after the “high” of Resurrection Sunday things go back to being more normal. I’ll just bask in the glow of Sunday for now.😊

A brief recap is in order so here you are:

  • First, many, many, many thanks to all the volunteers who helped with making our morning go so well. The parking and shuttle people worked together like clockwork. We had so many people show up to help with setting up chairs, putting out clipboards and communion tubs that we were done within ½ hour on Saturday night. Then so many pitched in to help put chairs away, to sweep, and to mop. It was nice watching so many come together and help. I’m afraid to list any individuals for fear of forgetting someone. So please accept my heartfelt thanks for your help. 
  • A special thanks is in order to the Worship Team. They came Saturday night to set up and do a sound check, then came early Sunday morning. That leads me to say thanks to Zach Hogan for coming Saturday evening to set up his sound equipment, do a sound check and then come back Sunday after his church worship was over to get his equipment. 
  • Now for some stats: Jeff Carlson said we had 262+. He included the + sign because there were some he was unable to count. One significant item: we used all the chairs Abram Venue had. That was phenomenal! 
  • The offering for the day was for Missions unless otherwise designated. That amount ended up being $4,089.60 for Missions and $1470 designated for the Building Fund. In case you may be wondering, we divide the offering equally between the missions we support on a monthly basis, so when it was all said and done, $371.78 extra went to the eleven missions/missionaries we support. 
  • I do want to single out one person: Tiffany Kropack. Tiffany took pictures and then gave some contact information on Facebook for anyone who might want to have a copy of them. Thanks Tiffany for this extra special gift for all. 
  • One more: Special thanks to Bill & Suzie Abram for making their venue available for us to use. It makes extra work for Suzie but, if available, she has never failed to allow us to use the venue. If you know them and see them, please tell them thanks. 
  • I am so glad we made the decision to go to Abram Event Venue this year. There is NO WAY we would have been able to have that many people in our building for two services. It was a wise choice. 
  • My one disappointment: we had a ton of visitors that I did not have a chance to meet or were able to sign the attendance sheets. I can hope they will come to one of our regular worship services and give me a chance to meet them (and hopefully not forget their names). 😊

All in all a very good day.

One more important thought before I leave that. I look forward to the day when we can say, “Resurrection Sunday service will be in our own building.” A day like Sunday only “whets the appetite” for a place of our own to accommodate big days and regular days.😊

Our S-OCS worker to pray for this week is Balinda Wagner. Balinda is in her second year as Director of Food Services for the corporation. Sunday morning I mentioned that she wrote a really nice email to me. Here is what she wrote: “
Good morning Mr. Grandi, I received your card in the mail today, and I truly appreciate the added prayers.  I hope that I am helping to make the student’s time at Spencer-Owen Community Schools an enjoyable experience.  I hope you and all of those you serve have a very happy and rejoyceful Easter.” Balinda is married to Scott and they have two daughters and live in Quincy.

Do you know what member of the staff has a birthday this week? Hint: it isn’t me or Pastor Ryan. BTW: Been nice knowing you. She will eliminate me after she reads this.😊

This coming Sunday I start a new sermon series. It is entitled
Yes, They are Real and the next three months will be focused on individuals in the Bible who leave us with life lessons. The first one may be a tough one to guess. The Scripture is Genesis 1:1-2:3. Give yourself a prize if you guess it right.😊


  • Congratulations to Alli Anderson who was chosen as the Secretary/Chaplain of ‘24-’25 Owen Valley Ag and FFA.

They say that next Monday Spencer and the surrounding areas will be a madhouse, i.e. get your gas, groceries, etc. early. I’m going to call it “The day Spencer stood still.” Everything is closing that day-schools, banks, restaurants, stores-you name it. I told Jo I was going to go to the office, close the blinds and take a nap (since it is going to be totally dark for a few minutes). Diana would tell you I probably don’t need to wait for that to happen since she just may have caught me snoozing in my chair a time or two (or three or four or…) while I was reading. No matter how I try I can’t come up with a good excuse so I just stopped trying and admit it.😊
The church office will be open in the morning, but then I suspect we will all be safely tucked away with our handy dandy Eclipse glasses ready to wear. Someone suggested we be ready for some visitors this Sunday who will be in town for the Eclipse. I’m not sure what to expect, but I do hope that if we have any visitors you will make them feel welcome.

I gotta go. Lord willing, I will see you Sunday (unless I have been carried away by aliens). Have a great rest of the week and remember you are loved.
Pastor Bill  

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Easter Sunday

If you are unable to join us in person for Resurrection Sunday,
Pastor Bill’s message and a communion thought from
Pastor Ryan will be streamed at 10 AM to Facebook and YouTube.

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Midweek Message 3/27/2024


Hello and welcome to Midweek Message #197. Palm Sunday ’24 is now history. This week has often been called Holy Week. It begins with His entrance into Jerusalem (portrayed on Palm Sunday) and culminates with His resurrection on Sunday morning. In between, a lot of major events take place. Some (but not limited to) are the Last Supper, the prayer in the Garden, the mockery of a trial, the crucifixion, and then the Resurrection. I hope you will take time this week to reflect on “the week that was.”

In the meantime, remember to pray for Jeff Mauder, the Director of Maintenance for S-OCS. Jeff is married to Renny (who just retired last year from teaching English at OVHS) and is the father to two sons and a daughter.


I’m excited! After last week’s “no show” of youth information, I have a few to share with you this week.

  • Berkley Groomer, whom you may know has had some broken bones to deal with and is awaiting genetic testing, entered America’s Best Pageant. (You can ask mom what that is). She came away with a clean sweep of awards: 5 crowns, one plaque, 2 medals, and two trophies (one is 5ft and the other is 3ft. Both are taller than her). 😊 Tiffany said she had the best time! The smile on her face backs that up. Mom and dad are proud of you and so are we.
  • Eli Wood has been chosen Vice President of the OV FFA Middle School Team. He told me he didn’t think he would get it. Sometimes the best awards are the surprises. Way to go, Eli!
  • Amelia Biggs made the A/B Honor Roll and brother, Hudsyn was not far behind with his S+/O’s. I think mom may be a little bit proud.

Keep those reports coming!!

One more time…😊 This Sunday is Resurrection Sunday. We are still in need of volunteers to help in some areas. But first…remember…

    • Resurrection Sunday at Abram Event Venue (first driveway south of the church lot).
    • Sunday, March 31 at 10:00 AM
    • We will not have children’s programs or a staffed nursery that morning but there will be an area for families to use, if needed. Pastor Ryan has goody bags for the young people to have that morning.
    • All the day’s giving will go to Missions unless otherwise designated.
    • Thanks for understanding and adjusting to the change in plans. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or call the church office (812.828.9840)
    • Tiffany Kropack will be taking pictures following the service, as she has in the past.

And here is where we can still use your help……..

      • Help is needed to set up/tear down. Set up will be at 6:00 on Saturday evening. It won’t take long with many hands. We will tear down and put away immediately following the service.

I mentioned Sunday about the upcoming sermon series. I’ve entitled it Real People/Real Characters. This series will last April through June. Here is what I have planned:

    1. April
      • Creator of All (God)
      •He Started It! (Adam)
      •Caught in His Wake (Eve)
      •The Deceiver (Satan)
    2. May
      •Out of the Pit (Rahab & the Woman in John 8)
      •Ruth & Mary and Martha (Mother’s Day)
      •Hannah & Mary Magdalene
      •Sarah & Anna (?)
    3. June
      •Abel & Andrew
      •Abraham & James (Jesus’ brother)
      •Enoch & John the Apostle (Father’s Day)
      •Noah & John the Baptizer
      •Samson & Peter

Like many of you I have some really whacked out i.e. strange brothers. One sends me crazy stuff from time to time, some of it too politically charged for me. But EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE. he sends me something that is quite good. I got the following from him this past weekend:

Pontius Pilate: “Joseph, I really don’t understand. You’re one of the richest men in the region, and you’ve spent a small fortune on a new tomb for you and your family and you want to give it this man, Jesus?”

Joseph: “It’s just for the weekend.”

Like I said… every once in a while. 😊 It gave me a good chuckle. Celebrate the highlight of the Christian faith this week with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. I love you all.

Pastor Bill

I look forward to seeing you all Sunday at Abram Event Venue.

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New Beginnings Pregnancy Annual Spring Tea Fundraiser

Saturday, April 27 from 10:30-12:30 at the Christian Life Center
Tickets: Limited number still available
Lunch will be served. Silent auction will be held.
Help is still needed! If you’d like to help or would like more information,
Vicki Hogan (812-821-6907), Becca Anderson (812-360-7419), Sally Carlson (812-821-4792)

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