Love’s Priority

SERIES:  Transformed By Love

TITLE:  Love’s Priority

TEXT:  I Corinthians 13: 1-3 (p.959)



 Four different ways Greeks defined what we call “love.”

  1. Eros- (sexual) love
  2. Storge- (family)
  3. Philos- (friendship) love
  4. Agape- (unconditional) love

Eros- “I love you (if)”

Storge- gives a sense of (belonging)

Philos- “I love you (because)”

Agape- “I love you (in spite of)”

 II.    UNRAVELING LOVE’S PLACE                

    Some important truths to remember:

  1. Remember that you are (sinful and selfish) and bring that to table of any discussion.
  2. Realize your sinful and selfish nature needs to be (controlled).
  3. Remember feelings can be (deceptive).


Three principles we want to see in I Corinthians 13:

  1. Without love our personal communication is (ineffective).
  2. Without love our spiritual understanding is (incomplete).
  3. Without love our sacrificial giving is (insufficient).


NEXT:  Series: Transformed by Love

            Sermon: Love’s Profile- Part One-  I Corinthians 13: 4-5

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