Return to Nursery/Preschool/Elementary

What to expect for your first visit

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here!

All of our kids’ classes are offered at the 10:45 service. Our kids’ wing is located at the
east end of the building. Use the east entrance for quickest access to our check-in area.
If you come in through the main entrance you’re still only a short hallway away 😊 Every
child in kid’s church must be checked in through our electronic system. We do this
because your child’s safety is of utmost importance to us. On your first visit to the
check-in desk, there is a short form to complete. A greeter will be there to assist you if
you have any issues or questions. Once your children are checked-in you will get a label
with a number that matches your child(ren)’s nametags. Please bring this back after the
service when you pick up your child. After you check your child out, we encourage you
to go back to their classrooms to meet their teachers and learn a little about the day’s
lesson so you have something to talk about on the way home 😊
If you have any questions or need to express a special need please reach out to me,
Pastor Ryan. I’d love to hear from you!

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