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What to expect for your first visit

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here! All of our kids’ classes are offered at the 10:45 service. Our kids’ wing is located at the east end of the building. Use the east entrance for quickest access to our check-in area. If you come in through the main entrance you’re still only a short hallway away …

Parent Resource Page

In our kids’ check-in area is a resource library just for parents! Parenting is a big job and a divine calling. We hope to help equip you to succeed in your parenting, especially in discipling your growing children. Check out any of our resources and return to borrow additional items from our library. And check …


Our nursery, designed for children ages 0-3, provides a caring and engaging atmosphere for newborns, babies and toddlers. Children receive lots of interactive play time, hear Bible stories and engage in developmental learning opportunities.


This class is for our 3 – 5 year olds (after three year olds are potty trained they can move up from the nursery). First Look introduces faith foundations that will last a lifetime. These truths are given in an engaging way, consistently sharing the basics like: God made me. God loves me. And Jesus …

Elementary (grades 1-6)

We have two elementary classes, early (1st – 3rd grade) and late elementary (4th – 6th grade). Both classes begin their time in worship together then meet separately for a lesson in their classrooms. It’s our hope that every elementary-aged student can hear and respond to God’s Word and meet Jesus in scripture and have …