OVCF has 5 Core Values we believe strongly in and desire to consistently practice
JESUS-CENTERED. Colossians 1:15-20 speaks about the pre-eminence of Christ. The church exists to bring honor and glory to God. OVCF desires to do just that in all things: preaching, teaching, worship, serving, and living. If Jesus is not the center of everything, He isn’t the center at all.
WORD-FOCUSED. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” (ESV) The Bible is about Jesus. Very simply put: Since the Bible is our focus, OVCF believes in preaching and teaching the Bible.
AUTHENTICITY-MINDED. Authenticity tells us to get rid of play-acting. We want people to be real, warts and all. At the end of his life, the prophet Samuel called the people of Israel together and challenged them by saying if he had done anything to wrong someone step forward and he will make it right. Only someone who has lived his life honestly and openly before people can have that kind of confidence.
INTEGRITY-DRIVEN. Psalm 78:72 says David shepherded the people with an upright heart (integrity of heart). We strive to be people of integrity in all we do. We have systems in place to be accountable for our finances. We have systems in place to protect our staff.
SERVICE-ORIENTED. Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (ESV). Following Jesus’ example, we choose to serve our church family and community.
We invite any questions about our Core Values. Please contact one of our staff for answer. Thanks for stopping by.