Life In Which Lane?


THEME: It Is Written

SERIES:  Life is an Adventure!

TITLE:  Life in Which Lane?

Scripture: Psalm 1

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost




“Blessed” in Hebrew means (supremely happy or fulfilled). It would be correct to say “Blessings many times over.”

The psalmist uses three words:

1 . (Walk) is a term which suggests casual movement.

2 . (Stand) in the Hebrew means “To come and take a stand.”

3 . (Sit) suggests a permanent settling down.

Verse 4 is called a negative assertion in Hebrew. “Not so, the wicked!”

1) Chaff is the outer part of the grain seeds which separates. Completely worthless

2) “Drives away” means to disseminate, strike or beat.” Matthew 7:26-27

Turn to Ecclesiastes 2:10-11, 22-23




What is the end result?

1 . For the righteous- (he is like a tree). Please turn to Jeremiah 17:5-8 (p.645)

2 . For the unrighteous- (he will not stand in judgment).

“Stand” is not the same as used in verse 1.


SERIES: Life is an Adventure!

NEXT WEEK:  Hurry Up and Wait- Psalm 13


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