My One Thing

THEME: Unsinkable

SERIES: An Anchor

TITLE: My One Thing

Scripture: Psalm 27:4-8

I.    ESTABLISHING THE FOUNDATION                                            

We all look for it. What is “it?”  A (solid rock) on which to stand.

None of us wants to live a life of (constant upheaval).  David’s life was one of constant upheaval.  What was his secret? He had a (foundation). His greatest desire was to be in (presence of God).

·         Psalm 42 longing was like a (physical thirst).

·         Psalm 50 his presence flashes out in (perfect beauty).

·         Psalm 63 says their souls (were parched) like a waterless countryside.



A partial list of “things I can’t live without”:

1)      (Power)

2)      (Approval)

3)      (Image)

4)      (Control)

5)      (Achievement)

6)      (Prosperity)

7)      (Work)

8)      (Children)

9)      (Religion)

10)  (Person)

11)  (Sports)


NEXT WEEK:   Theme: Unsinkable/ Series: An Anchor

Title: Tandem- Psalm 27: 8-14

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