The Church – Capital C – The Bride of Christ

THEME: Unsinkable

SERIES: Postcards

TITLE: The Church – Capital C – The Bride of Christ

Scripture: Matthew 16:13-18, Acts 2:42-47


I.    What the Church IS NOT…

    1. (A Model or Formula): The “HOW-TO” of a church does not define what “church” is!
    2. (A Program): The “WHAT WE DO” of a church does not define what “church” is!
    3. (A Building): This may be WHERE the church gathers, but it is not “the church.”
    4. (A Social Club): Reducing the church to a social gathering strips the church of its power, its position and its purpose.
    5. (A Pastor Following): DANGER ZONE! People are fallible! Put your pastor on a pedestal and you be disappointed, the pastor will be burned-out and the church will be without its spiritual power or influence!


II.    What the Church IS…

Charles Swindoll in The Church Awakening: “The church is a body of people called out from among the world for the distinct and unique purpose of glorifying their Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.”

Minimalist Definition: “The Church is a ‘family’ of Christ-followers with a purpose: to make much of Christ!”

    1. FAMILY: not a blood family, but a spiritual family of 2.2 billion!
      1. Transcends all (divisions) and is totally (diverse)
      2. We are inseparably connected and in need of one another
    2. CHRIST-FOLLOWERS: we each individually relate to Christ!
      1. He is the (object of our faith)
      2. He is our (Savior)
      3. He is our (Lord)
      4. He is our (Greatest Treasure)
      1. Through (Worship)
      2. Through (Obedience)
      3. Through (Evangelism)
      4. Through (Prayer)
      5. Through (Love)


Early Church Snapshot:  Acts 2:42-47



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