Covid Letter 12-24-2020

Dear OVCF Church family,


Trust me when I say this is not the kind of note I wanted to be sending you at Christmas time. But after talking it over with the elders it is necessary to send it.


This past Monday I was tested for Covid-19, as was Jo and Tami. Yesterday, Wednesday, we heard that all three of us tested positive. So, as of Monday, we have been in quarantine at home. We are all doing well at this point. Tami’s symptoms have been relatively minor-a cough which went away even before her test. Jo has had sinus issues and seriously thought hers was just a sinus infection. I have been the most symptomatic of us. I had some body aches I attributed to having been overheated in a building then being outside with just a suit jacket. I also noticed I was a bit more tired than usual, but I think the worst has been losing my sense of taste and smell. Not being able to smell a skunk does not bother me! 🙂 But take away my taste of all the goodies so many have brought to us for Christmas and that spells tragedy. All in all though I/we are doing okay. One person made Jo’s day yesterday by surprising her with a Diet Coke and a double cheeseburger plain. 🙂


In all seriousness, I have tried to contact anyone I may have possibly exposed previous to my test. As for the previous Sunday, I wore a mask except when I preached. Fortunately, with the threat of Covid all around us, my contact was very limited leading up to the test.


Because I tested positive that means others have to consider quarantining as well to make sure they show no symptoms. Thus, the need to be virtual this Sunday. Because Ryan, Jo & I are able to do a virtual, and all three of us are quarantining at home, we chose to be here Sunday. There will be no one else here at the building; we will all wear masks, except when I am preaching; and will wipe everything down when done.  Lord willing, we will be able to be back to our two service, in-person worship on January 3rd. My thanks to David Robertson and Jeff Carlson for taking care of the Christmas Eve service.


This certainly is not the way I wanted 2020 to end but it is what it is. We would appreciate your prayers for our health and recovery, as well as those who have it or may get it.


Pastor Bill

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