Prayer needs:
OVCF law enforcement friends & family: Caleb Hutchison, Ryan White, Shauna Wetzel, Nikk Wood
OVCF active military friends & family: Logan Cain, Missouri; Iain Ramsay, Oklahoma; Chris Erb, Missouri; Jessica Parmer, Colorado; Nick Hickman (Linda St. John’s nephew), Colorado
Educator of the week: Cassie Linville, Eastern Greene HS
Health: Our friends battling cancer: Dan & Kris Owsley (friends of Grandi’s), Kris is in remission-stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; Maverick Pendleton (4 y.o. friend of Hutchisons); Rick Ennius (Holli Truesdel’s relative); rare blood cancer; Brooks Sharp (friend of Tami Grandi); Max Schneider (friend of Karen Anderson); Bobby Porter (Sharron B’s nephew); Donna Keith; Chip & Lori Langley (Holli Truesdel’s brother & sister-in-law); Stace Goffinet; Kelly McVicker (Paul & Marilyn Hill’s daughter); Drew Hennessy (friend of Stacy Wood); Kris N. (Adienne Robertson’s brother); Betty Patton (Terri Wainscott’s mother)
Other health concerns: Ripp Eden (newborn grandson of Todd & Jodie); Greg Wainscott; Carole Smith (Kris Samick’s mother); Susie Terrell; Kathy Stuffle (Meshelle Roberts’ mother); Jackie Helderman, back surgery; Mike Basey, vertigo; Tim Huffman (Sarah Schneider’s father); Gail Horn; Arionna Chambers; Anne Basey; Jasmine St. John; Al & Elaine Akerson (Wayne’s parents); Grace & Gloria Chandler; Susie Roberts, (Sydney Stockmann’s aunt); Dolores Hamilton (Ray Monticue’s mother); Dale Nicholson, migraines; Diane Morries (aunt of Kaedence Beckwith); Alexander Chambers; Chris Wainscott; Divya Sengupta (Kartik Srinivasan’s cousin), kidney problems; Taylor Kay (Bault’s granddaughter), Hashimoto’s disease; Ray & Marge Monticue; Rusty Turner; Kathryn Anderson
Healthy pregnancy: Katie (& Ryan) Keene, scheduled for delivery on January 2. Sarah (& Will) Schneider, due in May.
Recovery: Karen Fisher, surgery
*Please keep Pastor Bill, Pastor Ryan, Diana and our elders (Wayne Akerson, Jeff Carlson and David Robertson) in prayer as they make ongoing decisions for OVCF.