Hello and welcome to Midweek Message #207! I know this is a busy time for many of you so thank you for taking the time to read this edition of the MM!
I could start out with a bunch of calendar news but there is some other exciting news to share with you!
- This past week one of our teen boys attended Hilltop Christian Camp. Tad Nicholson made a decision to follow Jesus and was baptized this past Friday at camp. His parents, Dale and Rachel, and his grandparents were able to be there to witness it. We also had three Jr. High girls attend as well-Bella Madorin, Aubrey Mangia, and Charli Wood. I texted each of the parents and all of them said the girls had a fantastic week. Bella’s mom said she was told “it was her most favorite week ever.” I asked you to pray for them in last week’s MM and to specifically pray for them to have an eye-opening week with Jesus. I’d say that prayer was answered.😊
- This week is the first of two Wilderness Weeks involving Pastor Ryan and his crew. Faculty members from here besides Ryan and Hope are Abby and Anna Bales (Peter & Stephanie’s two daughters, Anna and Caleb East, and Gracie Wainscott). Pray for each of the faculty members to have wisdom and discernment as they teach and lead the young people this week.
- Campers this week for Wilderness Week are Rachel East, Trevor Floyd, Kalissa Hamlin, and Tatum White. Zuri Wills is attending on the dorm side of camp. Pray for each of these young people to grow closer to Jesus this week
Here is some really fantastic, balloon-busting, exciting news! Monday morning at 10:00 at the Owen County Courthouse Gavin and Jenna Wells officially adopted their foster daughter, Gigi. She is now officially named Gloria Jane Wells. Jenna said, “Gloria because she’s a light in the world!” and “Her birth mother’s middle name is Jane.” I love that Gavin and Jenna honor God with her first name and honor her birth mother with her middle name. That makes six children for Gavin and Jenna-3 older boys who are their birth children and the 3 younger ones are their adopted foster children. I met them all this past Sunday at the same time! Warner (11), August (9), Christian (7), Emmelia (6), Fletcher (4 until July), and Gloria (2). Warning: quiz coming. 😊 Gavin and Jenna truly show Jesus’ heart for children.
We now have another baby to add to our growing baby list!
⮚ Caleb and Gabrielle Corder (due any time)
⮚ Jake and Brandi Markland (due in July)
⮚ Austin and Mackenzie Trimble (due in August)
⮚ Matthew and Hannah Foster (due in November)
⮚ Travis and Sierra Floyd (due in January)
Congratulations to all of you! 😊
Here is a reminder that this coming Sunday is Father’s Day. That means, of course, you must be extra nice to dad. 😊 But that also means that Change for Life, which benefits New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center, is “officially” over. When I say officially that does not mean they won’t take your baby bottles beyond that date, but we encourage you to bring your change filled baby bottles this coming Sunday.
Also looming in the very near future is the Serving Owen County Together event. Saturday, June 22nd is the date for that with the 29th being the rain date. Help is needed to set up (7-9:00); help with booths from 9-3:00 (the time can be split into any time frame); then tear down is from 3:00 to whenever done. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me or Linda St. John.
Just a heads up: Sunday, June 30th is a 5th Sunday. That means the young people in our elementary classes will worship with the adults that Sunday. The preschool and nursery classes will meet as usual. An added bonus for us will be that the youth will be involved in leading the singing part of our worship with Pastor Ryan’s and Cassie Linville’s help. Dick and Vicki Hogan are taking the weekend away so it will work out perfectly. 😊
I’d like to switch gears for now. Most of the MM has been announcements and keeping you current on what is happening with the church family. I have been announcing the past couple of weeks what my preaching plan is for now through October. Here it is in concrete (or at least sand if God decides to change it all).
- The rest of June will be Follow Their Lead, a look at different men in the Bible. ∙ July and August I plan to finish the series on Revelation I started in January of 2023. Has it been that long? At this point I have four of those sermons started.
- September and October will point to the 20th anniversary of OVCF on October 20th. My series will be Feels Like Home. Included in that will be a reworking of the “Welcome Home” series as well as adding one on Ruth (a reworking), Philemon, and the Prodigal Son. Obviously there is more fleshing out of this series so this is just temporary. I will keep you up-to-date the closer we get.
It has been a really stress-filled week or two for the OVCF family. Not just staff but for many of you. There are times when it seems the hard times are endless and you wonder, “When will it end?” Or the more prevalent is “How come?” The answer to either of those questions is “Who knows?” Only ONE does and at my last recollection He is not telling. But one truth we know for sure is that He is walking with us through it all. Bobby talked Sunday in his communion meditation about the limitless love, grace, mercy and forgiveness of God. Honestly, that is what I hang onto during the rough times. I know He is present through it all. “Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people trust, in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.” (Psalm 62:5-8) (NLT)
Please keep in mind that I love you but that God loves you even more deeply.