Midweek Message 6/19/2024


Hello and welcome to Midweek Message #208. I hope you have had a good summer so far. Jo  and I were able to go to the ballfields to watch some of our kids play ball and I can say some  things for sure: 1) it was hot, like blazing hot; 2) the kids had fun and it is nice to see them  active; 3) I think the parents had fun😊; 4) almost to a “T” they are all glad it is over for now.  But then I talked to a parent or two who said, “Travel ball is going to start.” No rest for the  weary, I guess. All in all though, Jo and I (and Tami) had fun watching the kids and chatting with  the adults who were there.  

We have several young people who were at camp this week and two who will be.

  • Cohen Frye, Oakley Groomer, Rob Anderson, and Sophia Kropack were all at Ice Breaker  camp at Hilltop. Ice Breaker is Sunday through Tuesday. 
  • Amelia Borders and James Anderson will be campers on Thursday for Day Camp. It is a  one day experience at Hilltop for them to get a taste of camp.  

Since there will be no MM next week (I have plans for the first part of the week), here are the  campers who will be attending the Senior High Wilderness Week with Pastor Ryan and his crew. 

  • The young ladies attending are Haley Amador, Anna and Rachel East, Meilynn Hess, and  Hannah Pendleton. The young men going are Caleb East and Nolan Miller. Pray for their  hearts to be refreshed and their relationship with Jesus to take on a whole new  meaning. 
  • Faculty members from OVCF include Pastor Ryan and Hope, Macy Carlson, Westin and  Cassie Linville, Linda St. John, and Gracie & Mollie Wainscott. Pray for…well…just pray for  them. 😊


⮚ Alli Anderson was chosen as Most Improved for the 2024 track season at OV. She had a phenomenal season and her hard work and determination truly paid off. A proud momma posted that on Facebook.
⮚ Did you know Deeper has taken a short break through the month of June? It will resume on July 3 at the East homestead.

COMING THIS SATURDAY! Serving Owen County Together!

For the past several years SOCT has benefited the citizens of Owen County, and even those outside of this county. SOCT is a partnership between Servant’s Heart, Hoosier Hills Food Bank, For Bare Feet, Changing Footprints and many others. Here again are the details in case you need a refresher: 😊

❖ Date: Saturday, June 22 from 9 AM-3 PM. (Rain date is June 29)
❖ Location: OVMS/OVHS complex, back parking lot (This is a change from the past due to construction being done on the entrance to OVMS. Drive around back. You won’t miss us!)
❖ Free items and resources available to those in need!
❖ If you failed to sign up to work, please feel free to come and offer to serve. There is always a need for more help.

I try to make the MM informative and filled with news about the OVCF family. But since the MM is my personal word to you, I thought I would add the following. I wrote it for my “Shadow” blog this past Monday (you can read it there and comment if you would like):

This past weekend was one of milestones for me. Three to be exact. I’ll go from Good, to Better, to Best.

Milestone #1- Although mostly meaningless to many of you, I reached my first 20 mile ride of the season. I have slowly been building my mileage throughout this season, although it has never been this late when I have hit this marker. But life happens. A tsunami-like work schedule, weird weather (so far lots of rain), family commitments, knee issues and age (71) have all played havoc with my riding routine. It got so bad that I even rode one morning this past week in 40 degree weather! I slightly under-dressed for that one and got back to the office with my hands not working very well (I couldn’t move them). This past Saturday I hit the 20 mile marker. It was a pretty good day for a ride. Hot (which I like) and a tad bit windy. But I survived. 😊

Milestone #2- Father’s Day. 49 years ago and 44 years (almost 45) ago, I became a father. Tami and Janna have been the two blessings in my life I would never want to have been without. And then Janna blessed me with being a grandfather almost 18 years ago (October). Braden has been a highlight of my time here on earth. I thank God every day for these three gifts God gave me.

Milestone #3- This one is THE highlight of my milestones, the coup de grace of blessings. June 16, 1973 is when Jo and I were married. So Sunday, June 16th, was our 51st anniversary. We have been through a lot; have had our share of ups and downs; moved when we didn’t want to and moved when we did; celebrated the highlights and mourned the low-lights (the death of our parents for one); and we did it together. People find it incredible when I say we have never had an argument, but then I remind them we have had lots of quiet nights. ☺ She has hopefully seen the transformation of an arrogant, opinionated, know-it-all into a man whose heart beats with love for God and for the people He has entrusted to me in my role as pastor/shepherd. At 71 I still have a passion for my work and want to continue doing this until God says, “Enough.” But more than that I want to be known as a man who loved His God first and foremost, loved his children, loved his grandson, loved the church he is now serving, but most of all, loved his wife and was an example of a godly husband, father, grandfather, pastor and man.

Will there be more milestones? I certainly hope so. But only the Father knows (and He ain’t telling). Meanwhile, I want to live my life with purpose and meaning and to live it well.

One of the greatest events of my life was becoming your pastor. Thanks for allowing me to shepherd you for almost 19 years. I love you all.

Pastor Bill

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ovcf.org/ovcf_wp/2024/06/3-midweek-message2024-6-19/