Midweek Message 6/26/2024


Hello and welcome to an abbreviated Midweek Message #209. I hope this finds you having a  good week. In last week’s MM I said that I would not have one this week due to plans I had. But some significant things have happened since last week’s MM so I wanted to give you at least an update. This past Sunday sure was a “ride.” About 8:00 the power went out and stayed out  until about 10. Thanks to all who went along with the inconvenience. I was so glad people adjusted. We had some visitors so I hope they saw our willingness to adapt. Trust me when I say  it was weird preaching with a little flashlight. By the end of the service it sure was getting toasty  in the building though. What did we ever do without A/C? 


Eli Wood won 2nd place in public speaking at the FFA state convention at Purdue University. Congrats Eli! I look for the day Eli says, “Hey Pastor Bill! If you want me to  preach for you some Sunday just say the word.” I’m sure Andy and Stacy, and his sisters, Kelci and Katie are proud of him.  

Whoo Hooo Baby News! Charlotte Elizabeth was born on June 18 at 12:04 am to Caleb and Gabrielle Corder. She weighed 7# 11oz and was 20.5 inches long. Charlotte will certainly not be short on getting plenty of love from grandparents Brad and Christina, Uncle Cole and Aunt Hannah Morse, as well as cousins Tripp and Cohen.  

We have more baby news coming in the future!  

Jake and Brandi Markland (Jim & Diana’s son and daughter-in-law) are having a son (Jett) in July.  

Austin and Mackenzie Trimble (Tim & Connie Rice’s son-in-law and daughter) are due in August 

Matthew and Hannah Foster are due in November 

Travis and Sierra Floyd are due in January 

I missed a few names for Hilltop Camp this week. Alli Anderson, Abby and Anna Bales (Peter and Stephanie’s daughters) are campers at the Sr. High Wilderness Week. Please add them to your prayer list to pray for this week.  

Here is some info for you just in case you wonder if we make a difference. This past Saturday was Serving Owen County Together. It was hot (understated fact) but 740 adults, 568 kids for a total of 1308 were served. There were also over 100 volunteers, many of them were OVCF folks. Thank you for your help. 😊

Keep this in mind please. This upcoming Sunday, June 30th, is a 5th Sunday. That means the elementary-age young people will join us for worship. Pastor Ryan, Cassie Linville and others will be leading our music. The nursery and pre-school programs will meet as usual. 

My last message of Follow Their Lead is this Sunday. It is entitled It’s What’s Inside that Counts. Beginning July 7 I plan to finish my series on Revelation. I’ve pretty much committed myself to that task since I have all the outlines started and the first three sermons completed.😊

I mentioned in last week’s MM that I had plans for the first part of this week. By the time you get this those plans will be fulfilled. For her birthday this year Tami found out the Atlanta Braves were playing the St. Louis Cardinals in St. Louis. Since she is a disgusting Braves fan (that makes  her a traitor), she hinted strongly that a great birthday present would be to go see them play. So being the great father that I am, I said okay. 😊 (I wore my Pirates jersey). The game was Monday  night and I did not know what my schedule would look like so I thought perhaps I would not have time to do a MM. But a little bit of time on Sunday and Diana’s editing while I was gone  made this possible. But I am going to keep my word about keeping it short this week. Have a  great week. Lord willing, see you Sunday. I love you all.  

Pastor Bill

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ovcf.org/ovcf_wp/2024/06/midweek-message2024-6-26/