Midweek Message 8/7/2024


Hello and welcome to Midweek Message #213! Thanks for allowing me to raid your inbox and
for taking the time to read this latest installment. There is a lot to include this edition. I hope it
will be informative for you.

This week is that dreaded week!😊School starts. There is always a mixed set of emotions found
during this time. Parents, teachers and students have a mixed bag of back to school jitters as
well as what seems like an endless list of tasks still to be done. The parents are thrilled that their
child is going back to school, but at the same time the family dynamic is upset. And then there
are the students themselves. What will school be like this year? Will I do okay? Will I like my
teachers and classes? For teachers there are also questions. Maybe they have moved schools or
grades so there is a bit of anxiety wondering about the class and their own preparation. What
will my class be like? Will I do a good job teaching them? So many questions…so few answers. I
thought I would put a bit of a chuckle into your first week of school with something I clipped
years ago. I was looking through some files about a month ago and found it, so I put it aside for
this week. It is called You Might be a Schoolteacher if…

      • Every day is a bad hair day.
      • You worry about getting self-esteem violations.
      • You want to slap the next person who says, “Must be nice to only work 8-3 and have
        summers free.”
      • You stand on your front porch instructing the neighbor children to “Walk!”
      • You refer to adults as “boys and girls.”
      •  You encourage your husband by telling him he is a “good helper.” (Substitute wife when
      • You believe chocolate is a major food group.
      • You can tell it’s a full moon without ever looking outside.
      • You believe “extremely annoying” should have its own box on the report card.
      • When you are out in public you snap your fingers at children who are misbehaving.
      • You give your husband “the look” when he “misbehaves.”
      • Putting all A’s on the report card would be so much easier.
      • You think caffeine should be available in IV form.
      • Meeting a child’s parent instantly answers the question, “Why is this kid like that?”

(Copied from Sermon Fodder and Joke a Day Ministries)

Truth be known: good teachers are invaluable and often unappreciated. Each week we will be
giving you an administrator or a teacher’s name from this church family to pray for. Never
underestimate the value of praying for specific individuals. So, please, when we give you a name
to pray for, please commit to doing just that. This week please pray for Andy Cline, the S-OCS

Speaking of praying for someone: for almost two years now we have been praying for Maverick
Pendleton. Maverick is the now 6 year old son of Josh and Becky Pendleton, friends of several
from our OVCF church family. This past Sunday I had the privilege of baptizing his father, Josh,
and then assisted Josh and Becky in baptizing Maverick, and his siblings, Maisy (freshman at
OV), Whitley and Waylon (who have both been involved in WRE at Patricksburg. Way to go Dave
Schenck!). An added bonus was Josh’s mother and sister who had already made professions of
faith but had never been baptized. It was a grand day!

Three of our young people were presented certificates and recognized for moving up from 6th
grade to the adult worship. They were Cecelia Arnold, Tad Nicholson, and Kyson White. It was
good to see these young people who have been an important part of our youth worship on
Sunday morning graduate. There were many in the kid’s church who also moved up.

Speaking of Kid’s Church! The past couple MMs I have asked you to make a list of all the
teachers and helpers from Nursery to 6th grade in our children’s programs. I said I would share
that list with you and I’d like you to see how many you know who help. So…here they are:

      • Nursery: Mary & Kaedence Beckwith, Sally Carlson, Hope & Rachel East, Tami Grandi,
        Ryan & Katie Keene, Will & Sarah Schneider
      • Pre-K: Mary & Kaedence Beckwith, Jasmine St. John & Hannah Pendleton, Stacy Wood &
        Anna East, Krista York & Cammie King. (Latter names are helpers)
      • Elementary (Grades 1-3): Becca & Alli Anderson, Travis & Jill Curry, Dave & Carrie
        Schenck, JuliAnne Wiegand
      • Elementary (Grades 4-6): Melissa Arnold, Jeanna Srinivasan, Kathryn Anderson, Meilynn
        & MiaRose Hess, Cooper King (the latter four are helpers)

More next week!! (How did you do on this list of names?)

In last week’s MM I announced that I would be starting Wednesday Night Conversations on
September 11th. It will be an informal study from 6-7:00 each night. The first block will go from September 11th- October 9th. I’d love to have you as part of the class and if there is a topic you
would like to discuss please feel free to email me (pastor@ovcf.org) or text me (812.821.1752).

Only three to go! Sunday’s sermon is titled Made for This! from Revelation 21:1-22:6. The series
will end August 25th. (Handsprings and flips allowed). See you Sunday. Love you all much.

Pastor Bill

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ovcf.org/ovcf_wp/2024/08/midweek-message2024-8-7/