2024 THEME: Run with the Horses
TITLE: OVCF’s Mission and Vision – Part 1
Passage: John 15:4-6
Mission: This is the (destination). It is where we are trying to go or what we aim to accomplish.
Vision: This is the (route we will take). It is how we hope to accomplish the mission.
Jesus’s Mission
In his own words [See Matthew 9:13, Luke 19:10 and John 6:38, 10:10 and 12:46]
My summary of those verses: By my Father’s leading and to his glory, I am gathering, healing and saving lost and wounded sinners from darkness and blessing them with eternal life and joy in me.
OVCF’s Mission: (Connecting People to Jesus)
Pitfalls to avoid:
- Failure to Launch: Mission statements are (meaningless) unless you (live them out).
- Stagnation: Don’t be the kind of church that gathers every Sunday to (hold a huddle), but then never (runs the play).
Two questions to wrestle with this week:
- Will you dwell with Jesus daily and live with him moment by moment?
- What part does He want you to play on His team?
NEXT WEEK: THEME: Run with the Horses
TITLE: OVCF’s Mission and Vision – Part 2