Category: Ministries
Ministries at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship in Spencer, Indiana
Fall Ladies Bible Study: Begins Thursday, Sept. 14th at OVCF (7 weeks)
The Names of God, Melissa Spoelstra
Participants guide: $13.50-deadline to order is Sun. Sept 3!
Complete your registration form & return to the info table.
See Macy Carlson, Sally Carlson, Hope East or Marilyn Hill for more info.
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Sunday, July 30th will also be Move Up Sunday for our
graduating sixth graders!
We will recognize them during our 10:45 service.
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Deeper Middle/High School Bible study will not meet this summer.
It will resume in September.
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Friday, April 28 from 6-8 PM at OVCF
Food, fun and fellowship! No cooking on your part!
Potato and Nacho Bar + a special dessert. Water/tea/lemonade<
Cost: $8 for age 13 & up/ $4 for young ladies 12 & younger
Please sign up so we can plan to have enough food. Please pay Linda St. John
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Hilltop Christian Camp: 2023 Camp registration is open!
Register online @
pick up a registration form at the info table or from the bulletin board!
Please see Pastor Ryan or Diana for your camp scholarship code!
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Connections Women’s Ministry at OVCF event!
Ladies, please join us!
Bunco Night & Pitch-in
Friday, Feb. 24 from 6-8 PM in the children’s addition
Contact Jasmine St. John (812.821.4655) for more info or if you have questions!
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Four Views of the End Times booklets are available at the info table.
These go along with Pastor Bill’s series Revelation.
We ask that you take 1 copy per family and sign up if we run out and you’d like us to order one for you!
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Ladies, please join us for a Connections Event!
Coffee & Chocolate
Saturday, January 21 from 2-4 pm at OVCF
OVCF will provide coffee, please bring a treat to share!
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Wednesday from 6-7 PM
Please contact Pastor Bill if you have questions! or 812-821-1752
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Care Team Reunion & Pitch-in Lunch
Sunday, Nov. 6th, following second service
For everyone involved with our OVCF Care Team-please come and share what God has done through your teams! Please invite others who’d like to join in the work and ministry of the Care Team!
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