The elders/leaders would like to keep you informed as to what is going on with OVCF-now and for the future. We will keep this brief and hopefully answer questions you may have.
#1- The Building Team has given us an update on the Shelter.
- First we want to thank Jerry Standeford for his hard work in spearheading the project of making tables for the shelter. We also want to thank those who spent their precious time helping with that project. Jerry & Milt Means have also spent several days putting a coat of polyurethane on the tables.
- The immediate plans of the Building Team are two-fold: the first is to complete the firepit (Ryan and some of the youth have taken on this project); the second is to install electricity in the shelter. Fans and floodlights will also be installed and before next Spring we want to have some chicken wire to prevent nesting.
- The BT is continuing to meet. Now that the shelter has been completed we have turned our sites to other projects. The sewer project for Hoosier Energy (which is highly visible as you can see) is to be completed shortly. Their plan is to put in our hookup early this week and we have a year to hook on. Along with that, we have been meeting to discuss a Master Plan for our property. That does include talk about the installation of an outdoor basketball goal, as well as another building which will allow us to convert this entire building into a youth building.
#2- As you know, we have been having some media difficulty with the screen and TVs cutting out. We are doing our best to alleviate that situation. We have contacted some other people and are optimistic it will be taken care of soon, in fact, possibly as early as this week.
#3- As you already know, we began having two worship services last week, October 6th. The question in many peoples’ minds is “Why”, especially after moving into the renovated auditorium just over a year ago. If you will remember, when we talked about the renovation, we stated numerous times that this renovation was just a band-aid to get us through a tough time until we could do something more. Before the summer we were near capacity and we talked then about needing more room. With the summer coming, we felt it wise to wait to initiate two services. We felt it was time now to do so. We have had Sundays where space was a premium and if we want to continue reaching out, we need to have space for visitors. We are aware many like one service for various reasons. To be sure it is a strain on our staff, teachers and worship volunteers. In an effort to keep from starting two churches, we have committed ourselves to having a time every 3-4 months where we are together. Our first time will be November 17th when we meet at the Tivoli. Worship will start at 10:00 that morning. We have also reserved the Tivoli for Easter Sunday morning. We will keep you posted on something for January or February. We also want you to know this arrangement of two services is only considered to be temporary until God leads us into the opportunity to build something that will allow us to be together as one again.
#4- Our insurance company has told us we need to put windows in the classroom and office doors for security reasons. Look for that improvement in the near future.
#5- One final word. Next year, 2014, will be the 10th anniversary of OVCF. Some of you were here from the beginning and many of you are new. We would like to give you the word now that we hope to have a big push on our 10th anniversary to either pay off our current mortgage or raise money for a building which will allow us to meet together and to continue meeting the needs of our community. The leadership and Finance Team will be talking about the best approach and will inform you of that soon.
Thank you for your interest and time in the future of OVCF. We appreciate all you have done, are now doing, and will do in the future to continue helping us spread the Good News of Jesus.