Midweek Message 6/3/2020



Good morning (or afternoon or evening)!  I hope you are having a great week so far. We have spent the first part of this week in Ohio visiting Janna and Braden. Braden has kept us in stitches quite often. Oh, the life of a 13 year old!  His jokes are so lame they make us laugh. It sure is what the doctor ordered.


Sunday sure was worth waiting for. It was so good to see many of you who ventured out. We had a count of 87 in both services and had one family of three use the back TV in the youth area. The best part was seeing people laugh and greet each other, even though most avoided physical contact. I thought the Worship Team was spot on Sunday and the songs chosen were good ones that highlighted Jesus. We sang Holy Water again. Man, I like that song!


We still had a number of folks watch via live stream. I am so glad we were able to get that going and will keep it continuing for the future. If you were one of those who watched, thank you for joining in. I know there are some who want to be at the church building but caution is the name of your game. I understand and respect that. You are not forgotten though. It is just as important to me that you join in via the live stream as it is you be there in person for the moment. We still have those outside the OVCF church family who are watching from all over. I heard on a podcast recently that many have friends who won’t step inside a church door at the moment. (I heard one person say they thought the roof would cave in). Anyway, online is a great way to introduce your friends and family to “church” without them making a public entrance. The speaker went on to say that sometimes it might take a year or so before that person feels comfortable enough to find his or her way to the church building for a worship service. Just think though. You had an influence on that person, and it just might have eternal consequences!


During the talk Sunday, I gave a list of upcoming sermons for the summer. I know there was no way to copy them down during the talk because of time and I mentioned that I would include them in this Midweek Message. Here are the projected sermons with Scripture for the summer:


  • Wisdom to Find the Right Path (Pr. 1:1-7; 20-32)
  • Shelter in the Time of Storm (Is. 40:3-27)
  • Strength for Weary Days (Is. 40:28-31)
  • Endurance for the Long Haul (Jer. 2:1-19; Heb. 12:3-17)
  • Peace in a Worried World (John 14:27)
  • Refreshment for a Parched Land (Ezek. 36:22-36; 37:1-14)
  • Supply for an Empty Tank (Phil. 4; Mt. 6:19-21; 25-33; Jon. 6:1-14)
  • Security in Unsure Times (Rom. 8:31-39)
  • Satisfaction for an Empty Soul (John 4)
  • Grace for a Hassled Heart (Ezek. 34:11-16)
  • Vision to See God’s Plan (Joseph, Esther, others)


We have been inundated with the Covid thing over the past 3 or 4 months. It is sad that it “lost” its front page status by the ugliness of the weekend. In no way, shape, or form do I stand for violence against any race of people. That was just plain wrong. But so is the rioting which has destroyed businesses, cities, property and lives. I have always said there are good and bad people in all races, religions and nationalities. The actions of the weekend prove my point. Sadly, in all the ugliness we miss the incredible acts of courage and service so many others performed. We still have people on the frontlines who should not be dismissed or forgotten. Even in the ugliness we had people perform incredible acts of courage to help someone else. I’m not a “we have it within ourselves to bring peace” kind of person, but I sure do believe that treating each other with love and compassion goes a long way to making things better. I’m not one who believes that we will ever find true peace on earth until Jesus returns, but we can do our best to make life better while here. It starts with each one of us taking note of others. Maybe meeting a need. Maybe letting them know you care. Just remember it all starts with us. With you. With me.


Have a great rest of the week! If you can make it Sunday it will be good to see you. If not, then I look forward to seeing you online. Never forget you are loved.


Pastor Bill


Permanent link to this article: https://www.ovcf.org/ovcf_wp/2020/06/midweek-message-7-2-2-2-2/