Inclement Weather Information


FYI: In the event of bad weather, we want you to know the measures we have in place to keep you informed!

  • We will send a mass e-mail about any changes.
  • We will post the info to our Facebook group (if you are not a member of the group, search Owen  Valley Christian Fellowship & request to join!) and page (you can follow it at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship-Spencer, IN).
  • We have a group of volunteers who will call or text you!
  • If in-person services are not possible, we will plan to offer a live stream service at 10 AM via Facebook and YouTube.
  • Please be sure we have current contact info (e-mail/phone) for you if you want to be notified! There is a place on the attendance sheet to provide this, you may call the church office at 812-828-9840 or e-mail Diana at


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