Midweek Message 07/19/2023


Hello and welcome to Midweek Message #165. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I received an email via Diana from someone who appreciates this weekly communication. I’m glad I have at least one reader! ☺

I think I heard a number of big sighs from several people sometime Sunday night, and no, it wasn’t us snoring. It was from the many young people and parents who were at the Owen County Fair. It seems no matter when it is scheduled a few things can be counted on. One is, it will be hot, and when I say hot, I mean H.O.T. I have a lot of respect for the young people, parents and adults who brave the weather each night for the fair. We went Tuesday night and after a couple of hours just sort of wilted. Two, a number of our young people did very well in the ribbon and prize department. I am not going to list any names here because as sure as I do that I will forget someone. So…congrats to all the young people! Now you can rest…until school starts in about 3 weeks.  ☹

Remember to pray for PFC Iain Ramsay. Iain is the grandson of MJ Ramsay and the nephew/cousin of Chris and Kori Wainscott’s family. Iain is in the Army and stationed at Ft Sill, OK.

DON’T FORGET! This coming Saturday, the 22nd, is the Back to School Expo at the OC Fairgrounds. It is open to all school students, but they must be present. It is like a big long parade and at the end each student is given a backpack full of school supplies. I will be at the end (aren’t you the lucky ones! You get to see me on Saturday and Sunday!). It is from 10-12. I hope to see many of you come through the line. Last year we gave away over 600 filled backpacks and it grows each year.

This coming Sunday Jacob and Mia McCall will be with us telling us about their mission work in the Dominican Republic. They are school teachers working with the young people who would not get an education without people like them. They will be sharing their work in both services. The elders met with them via ZOOM right after the birth of their second child so we look forward to meeting them in person. I look forward to meeting them and having lunch with them. I will still be preaching this Sunday, so you will have an opportunity to meet and talk with them before and after the services. The mission group they work with is called Freedom International Ministries and the McCalls are one of the families we support through our monthly mission giving.

Sunday, July 30th is a big day for some of the young people of OVCF. Pastor Ryan has named it Move Up Sunday. Several things are happening that day.

  • First, it is a 5th Sunday so that means all the elementary age young people will be involved in the adult worship. The nursery and preschool class will still be meeting at 10:45. Miss Stacy has something special planned for the preschool students, including those who will be moving up the next week into the Early Elementary class.


For more about Move Up Sunday, I have asked Terrie MacMorran to write up something to inform you since he has been working hand in hand with Pastor Ryan to plan and prepare for that day. H-e-e-e-e-r-e’s Terrie!!

  • We will begin by recognizing those that participate as teachers and students in our Sunday morning youth activities. We will be acknowledging the students who will be advancing from Early Elementary (grades 1-3) to Late Elementary and those moving on from Late Elementary (grades 4-6) to the world of “Big Church.”
  • It is hoped that as many students, parents, and teachers as possible will attend this special part of the service, especially as those moving from the Late Elementary to “Big Church” are honored.
  • If you attend 1st service, please consider staying around for the beginning few minutes of the 2nd service to witness this program. They are a fantastic bunch of young people and deserve our total support. They give us hope for the future of the Church!


There is a ROOTS Reconnect event scheduled for August 12th. You might want to put that on your calendar. See Cassie Linville for more information.

One final thing: I will continue my series on The Lamb Wins this Sunday with a sermon from Revelation 7:1-17 called Here Comes the Umbrella! It is about two promises God makes to we who follow Him. I look forward to seeing you here. I have changed my sermon for the July 30th program. I decided to do one with an encouragement to all the young people, especially with school starting that week (Thursday, August 3rd). I’ll tell you more in next week’s MM.

You are loved…more than you know.

Pastor Bill


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