Category: Ministries
Ministries at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship in Spencer, Indiana
Registration forms are available.
Scholarships are available. Please complete a form and return to Ryan or Diana.
Please see Diana for the church code you need to include with your registration.
We encourage everyone to register by May 18th for the early-bird discount!
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There will be a short meeting today after morning worship for all ladies who are interested in attending Women of Faith. If you’d like more info or are already planning to attend, please stay for the meeting.
* May 23, 24, 25 the Women of Faith group will host a yard sale here at OVCF to raise money to assist with the costs of attending the conference in August. Please see Lova or Bivi for more info!
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Jr/Sr High youth…
Resuming January 11th
Every Wednesday from 4:00 – 5:30 @ the Ryan and Hope East’s in Spencer!
Please send a dollar or two with your student to help cover cost of snacks!
Journey with us through the book of Romans: Knowing God, Experiencing God’s Word
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There will be a Volunteer meeting immediately after church on Sunday, March 17th for current volunteers and anyone interested in volunteering in the youth areas.
If you are interested in working in the nursery or helping with our children’s programs, KidMo or Lil K, please attend.
Please talk to Ryan East if you have any questions.
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Deep Wells meeting at Chamber’s Restaurant first and third Saturdays of the month
Next meeting on September 21st from 7-8:30 a.m.
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Ladies of Grace means –
Meeting May 20th from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
At Home of MaryJo Ramsay
For more information contact:
Roberta Ford – 812-606-8250 or Sally Carlson – 812-828-9531
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Theme is: Let’s Talk About…Teen Life.
Sunday Night
5:00 – 6:30
Schedules available & snack signup sheet on info table.
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“Belief’s Under Construction”
Small groups will meet every other week, beginning on January 13. Study will be based on sermon series.
Sign up sheet is on the info table.
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Sign class and “66” meet on Wednesday. Come join us!
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January 6th (TODAY) ~Hot Chocolate party for all ladies interested in Women of Faith 2013!
Time of fellowship & discussion about Women of Faith event, August 2013. Call Lova for more info @ 829-2144
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