Category: Mission News

Spring Day of Service – Sunday May 15

We have the opportunity to help some folks in town by cleaning their gutters and/or cleaning up flower beds/yards for spring. We also need folks who like to visit! If you can help with the physical work or want to visit the folks we help, please sign up at the info table! We will provide  a light lunch for you & we plan to work from approx. 1:30-3:30.


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New Beginnings Annual Tea & Bazaar

Saturday, April 23 from 10:30-12:30 (doors open @ 10)

Adults: $6, 12 and under: $3

Christian Life Center at Spencer Christian Church

Please see Vicki Hogan with questions or to purchase tickets!

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New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center

New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center

Christmas Open House, Gift Shop & Silent Auction

Saturday, Dec. 4th, 12-5 PM

189 S. Main St., Spencer

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Mission Focus – Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child

Shoeboxes & packing lists will be available soon! Please return them to OVCF no later than Sunday, 11/14.

We will deliver them to Sherwood Oaks (this year’s collection site!)



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Backpack Buddies

We are collecting items all month long!  Please pick up a list of needs at the info table and bring donations to OVCF.  Bags are sent home weekly & over school breaks with children to prevent hunger when they are away from school! Over 200 children, pre-school through high school age benefit from this outreach!




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Mission Focus – Change for Life – New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center

Change for Life ~ New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center

Bottles will be available to collect change in or you may donate online (recommended). Donations support New Beginnings’ work to assist families & children in our community.

We will post the online giving info as soon as it is available!


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April Mission Focus – Supplies for Hilltop Camp

Please pick up a wish list & return donations to OVCF on Sundays!

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Hilltop Christian Camp Registration

Hilltop Christian Camp registration is open! 

You may visit the camp’s website at for camp dates, online registration & more.  Info & registration forms are on the youth bulletin board as well. Scholarships are available!  Please speak to Ryan or Diana about completing a scholarship form and obtaining the OVCF camp code to use when registering!





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Polar Plunge 2021

This year’s Polar Plunge is VIRTUAL! Nine brave, OVCF souls rose to the challenge to do the Plunge this year together as a group. We have set a goal of $750  toward Hilltop’s 75th Anniversary Fund which will pay for the new zip line at Camp. You can contribute until Feb 14th directly to Ryan as cash/check (please make to “Hilltop Christian Camp”)  or on the camp’s website: (Click “Donate Directly”, then “designated” and in the comments type: “OVCF Polar Plunge Team”)

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New Beginnings Diaper Drive


New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center’s Annual Diaper Drive will take place the month of February.  Flyers are posted with info.  Donations may be dropped off at the center on Monday afternoons 12-4 PM.




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